Wednesday, March 28, 2007

PROJECT H in Alabama --Progress

Update on PROJECT H from Pam Dorr:

Construction is continuing here at the Ella Martin House. March has been a super busy month with four college groups coming to continue the renovations begun by the members of the Ultimate Black Belt Team.First we had a group of 25 students from the Universities of New Hampshire and Philadelphia here for a week volunteering for Habitat. An energetic team of 20 came the following week from S.E. Missouri State. At the end of March we have a final group of 14 visiting Greensboro on their alternative spring break from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Habitat is opening the Ella Martin Bunk House in June & it’s already reserved for the entire month! Following June the house is available for rent by the week. Contact Bonita at HERO for reservations.

HERO Housing Resource Center 1120 Main St., Greensboro, AL. 36744 334-624-0842 Phone

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First off, a giant THANK YOU to all of the team that helped make Alabama’s PROJECT H a success; to those who supported the project financially ($40k to date) –and to those who came and provided labor, help, medical (Oh man), and emotional support.

Like many of my ideas, this one was just a bit beyond what I actually thought we could do…I mean, renovating a historic building…getting 70 people together to do it…sleeping in a gym together…eating together…taking cold showers together…and at the same time, getting far beyond the casual conversation, the superficial, the trite or trivial ---and reaching deep inside each participant so that he or she would somehow be moved by the experience.
For me the week started on Monday, as I came in with a few other team members to do the most dangerous and dirty work, which was the demolition of a room and ceilings/walls. Very dirty work, for sure. Joe Sherwood, Jason and Claire from the UK, and the Kastner Clan did most of the ugly stuff before the team arrived on Wed.

From Wed to Saturday night, everyone who arrived worked like dogs, nearly non-stop, always hard, through thick and thin to make this project happen. We went to watch a movie film festival and the Rural Studio, we worked on other projects, we met in a circle on numerous occasions to “talk story”, and we gathered in many other ways to make friends, to listen to stories, to laugh, and to share ideas.

People brought students, friends, and family members. Kids ran around, strangers became acquaintances (if not friends), and we performed a demo, sent 5 people to the hospital, nursed our wounds (part of the house collapsed on us), and got back on the horse to make it happen.

In the end, the trip wasn’t about building a house –it was about overcoming obstacles, about thinking differently, about coming together, and about team.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Directions from Airport to Hero Office

Directions fromBirmingham airport to HERO andGreensboro, Alabama:

Take highway 20/59 South from the airport towards Tuscaloosa.

Stay on 20/59 for 55 miles.

Take exit #71A. This will be Al Hwy 69 South towards Moundville.

Stay on Hwy 69 South 34 miles.

Make a left on Main Street in Greensboro. There is no at this intersection for Main Street. There is a Methodist Church on your right. Make a left onto Main. Our office is on the left about 2 blocks down...

My cell phone: (tom) 530-903-0286
Hero's Office (PamDorr and team): 334-507-3700

Friday, March 2, 2007

InTribute to ML King and Our Trip (Julian Bond)

This letter from1993 was a response to a letter I'd written to the civil rights activist Julian Bond.

In tribute to our upcoming trip to Martin Luther King country, I'm publishing this here for the first time...
The photo features a young Julian Bond listening to King speak.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Here Are some Pictures from the ALABAMA PROJECT tear-down and prep for our team's upcoming visit.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Pam Dorr Gives us Update

An update on Progress of the Alabama Project from Pam Dorr:

14 students from Birminham Southern University came to Hale for 3 days. They helped to build 2 wheelchair ramps and then helped to work on David's house (Habitat). One wheelchair ramp was for a 2 year old. He wanted a shiny ramp and Ethan and Charlotte (2 students from Bennington College in VT that are the early team for UBBT), were able to design something perfect for him. The students were a spirited group and their voices sounded like angels while they were singing/working.

They are the first group of volunteers that came down after UBBT last year. We have left David's house where UBBT finished off last year. There really haven't been any other groups to come since last April except small groups of 1 or 2 each weekend.

I got up early on Sunday morning to see the B'ham Souther studetns off as they were peeling themselves off the basketball court floor where they had been sleeping. I knew then that we are doing the right thing.

Our plan:
a) Create a place for volunteers to stay (with showers and beds) so we can do more good work in the community. The green design is underway for the "Ella Martin House" With the help of Charlotte and Ethan we will have a good headstart on the project by the time UBBT arrives. Our hope is that smaller groups of the UBBT will come down to do work here with local children and families
b) Create a place for kids to learn so they can grow up to want to stay here and do more good work in the community. The "Borden Jackson House" will be converted into a HERO campus school room. When complete, it will hold Youthbuild students for morning and afternoon classes. Youthbuild is a program we just got a grant for which creates opportunity for high school dropouts to get paid to get their GED part day and learn construction trades the rest of the day. The homes they build will be sold to families with incomes 50% below median. When school is out each day for Youthbuild at 3:30, the class room will hold art classes for youth and the community in Hale. The art classes will focus on film, art and photography. The attached pavillion will be updated into an outdoor class room.

A dorm with room for 8-12 volunteers and a class room for students will be ready to go after the UBBT team works their magic in March. I know that even though I won't have the same connection we built with Henry, David, Dorinda, Lula and the other families we will be setting the foundation for many more connections to happen.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Checklist for Trip from Master Dave

For Team 4 members or any first timers, this is a partial pack list.

1. Open Mind - may be the most important item you can pack.

2. Inflatable mattress - not one of those thin things, but a full grown one (maybe an extra one for Tom).

3. Rain gear - if nothing else this will insure that it won't rain.

4. Hat - if it isn't raining it will be sunning, and probably hot.

5. Sun screen - don't plant the seed for skin cancer.

6. T-shirts and sweat shirts - it could be hot or cold, so be prepared to layer and unlayer.

7. Long pants - inside or outside your legs are going to be exposed to sun and/or bugs, probably both.

8. Insect repellant - vitamin B complex works well for some people, but don't rely on it. Alabama bugs are black belts.

9. Handiwipes - they could be your only shower the whole trip.

10. Medications - if you are taking something now, take it with you, it might not be available there.

11. Energy bars/drinks - make sure you like them because you might be consuming a lot of them.

12. Flexibility - things can and will change on the fly - go with it.

13. Ear plugs - I don't snore, but Sparky does.

14. Sunglasses - hides the bags under your eyes from lack of sleep.

15. Motrin - no explanation should be necessary.

16. Flipflops - if you get a chance for a shower at the high school you'll need these or stilts.

17. Soap & towel - you'd be surprised at how many people forgot these. Right Tom?

18. Work gloves - you could be putting your hands into some nasty stuff.

19. Boots - nails in boards love tennis shoes.

20. Sense of adventure - this will be one of your legacy pages.

21. Uniform and belt - you'll be performing at one of the schools.

22. Sleeping bag - it could be cold at night. If it's hot lay on top of it.

23. Deodorant - Please!!

24. Plastic bags - for dirty clothes and to keep your clean gear in so cockroaches don't come home with you.

25. Camera - you'll see some things that just need to be recorded.