Wednesday, March 28, 2007

PROJECT H in Alabama --Progress

Update on PROJECT H from Pam Dorr:

Construction is continuing here at the Ella Martin House. March has been a super busy month with four college groups coming to continue the renovations begun by the members of the Ultimate Black Belt Team.First we had a group of 25 students from the Universities of New Hampshire and Philadelphia here for a week volunteering for Habitat. An energetic team of 20 came the following week from S.E. Missouri State. At the end of March we have a final group of 14 visiting Greensboro on their alternative spring break from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Habitat is opening the Ella Martin Bunk House in June & it’s already reserved for the entire month! Following June the house is available for rent by the week. Contact Bonita at HERO for reservations.

HERO Housing Resource Center 1120 Main St., Greensboro, AL. 36744 334-624-0842 Phone